
🐦 About TaleOfBirds

Welcome to TaleOfBirds! We are a friendly spot where bird lovers can come together to learn and share about the wonderful world of birds. Our goal is simple: to help you enjoy bird watching, both online and outdoors.

🌳 My Story


Hello, fellow bird lovers! My name is Shivam Desai, and I am the passionate bird enthusiast behind “Taleofbirds.” Ever since I was a child, I have been captivated by the beauty, diversity, and incredible behaviors of our bird friends. Through this blog, I aim to share my knowledge, experiences, and love for birds with you.

My fascination with birds began during family camping trips, where I would wake up early to the melodious dawn chorus. Armed with my trusty binoculars and a field guide, I would spend hours observing and identifying the various species that graced our campsites. As I grew older, my passion only intensified, leading me to start this blog where I intend to share my knowledge and experience about birds.

Parnera hill where i go for bird watching
A Nearby hill where I go for bird watching
Shivam desai, owner of taleofbirds with an eagle
That’s me with an Eagle

Over the years, I have been fortunate enough to travel to numerous bird-watching hotspots around the world. From the vibrant tropical rainforests of Costa Rica to the rugged coastlines of Scotland, I have witnessed some of the most spectacular avian wonders. Each encounter has further fueled my desire to learn more about these remarkable creatures and share my experiences with others.

Through “Taleofbirds,” I strive to create a platform that not only educates but also inspires people to appreciate and protect birds and their habitats. I believe that by fostering a deeper understanding and connection with the avian world, we can all become better stewards of the environment.

In my blog, you will find a wide range of content, including:

  • Species profiles and identification tips
  • Bird behavior and ecology
  • Bird attraction Tips & Guides
  • Personal anecdotes and reflections

I am committed to providing accurate, engaging, and visually stunning content that caters to bird enthusiasts of all levels, from beginners to seasoned experts. I also believe in the importance of responsible and ethical birding practices, which I promote throughout my blog.

When I am not immersed in the world of birds, you can find me exploring the great outdoors, with trekking being one of my favorite activities. The thrill of a new trail and the peace that nature offers are something that constantly beckons me.

Indoors, I am an avid gamer, finding joy and relaxation in the virtual worlds that gaming offers. My love for nature extends to my screen time too, as I frequently tune into channels like Nat Geo and Animal Planet, constantly fueling my fascination for birds and understanding of the natural world.

I feel incredibly grateful to be able to pursue my passion and share it with a community of like-minded individuals. I hope that through “Taleofbirds,” I can inspire others to fall in love with birds, just as I have, and to take action in protecting these magnificent creatures and the habitats they depend on.

The world of birds is vast and ever-changing. I am committed to continuous learning, staying updated with the latest research and developments in the field. This way, I can bring you the most accurate and up-to-date information about our feathery friends!

I have over 10 years of experience in birdwatching. I was just a beginner like you when I started. Through this blog, I intend to share my birdwatching experience and help other bird enthusiasts.

So, let’s connect and grow our birding knowledge together!

Connect with me:

You can also contact me through the contact page.